Results-Driven Multi-Channel Marketing Agency

Implementing multichannel marketing strategies, will allow your business to capitalize on the vast opportunities available for ecommerce growth!

Mutlichannel Marketing Strategies

What is Multichannel Marketing?

Multi-channel marketing consists of selling merchandise on multiple sales channels. The majority of merchants begin their journey into eCommerce selling from one channel, typically a website or individual marketplace. However, with consumers passing through many touchpoints and pathways to purchase, retailers need to expand their reach in order to grow sales!

Multi-channel Marketing is all about moving past single focused sales channels and venturing into marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, Walmart, social media, etc. Merchants who embark on and implement diverse selling strategies will realize continued, long-term success by maximizing sales reach and effectiveness.

People are increasingly engaged in numerous devices and media platforms daily. Therefore, ecommerce Merchants are challenged to provide a seamless customer experience to keep up with consumers, across all channels.

Merchants can list their products on multiple channels to reach new audiences and boost sales. You are only reaching a small percentage of your market if selling solely on a single channel; multichannel strategies will help your brand tap into larger audiences, winning customers who normally wouldn’t otherwise find your brand.

Multichannel marketing and sales is a combination of various promotional, distribution, and sales channels guided by consumer preference. The goal of multichannel selling is to align your target market’s shopping habits to sell more, and more often.

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Why Should Merchants Consider Multi-Channel Marketing, and what are the benefits?

Multi-channel selling advances your business’s opportunity to reach target audiences throughout the buyer’s journey, on multiple devices, and on the channels they prefer. According to a recent report. 86% of Global shoppers use at least 2 channels and 25% use 4 to 5 channels to make their purchases. It’s more important than ever before to understand consumers and how they interact across different platforms in order to effectively reach them with relevant content and achieve your ROI goals.

Connect on All the Top Channels

Connect on All the Top Channels

The average digital consumer owns and engages with 3.64 connected devices, so delivering ads to one channel touches a small portion of a consumer’s countless daily digital interactions. It’s also important to note more than 50% of all Internet usage takes place on mobile since people now seek the most convenient, on-the-go media.

Boost Consumer Engagement & Conversion Rate

Boost Consumer Engagement & Conversion Rate

72% of consumers say they would rather connect with brands and businesses through multi-channel. By strategizing campaigns across multiple platforms and devices, you’ll see higher engagement rates from targeted audiences.

Attracting the On-The-Go Consumer

Connect on All the Top Channels

Time and location have become subjective! You can reach audiences across mobile, desktop, email, and social throughout daily life routines – on the commute to work, relaxing at home, at a park with friends, etc. Utilizing real-time location services optimize local geo-targeted campaigns aimed at consumers in specific areas.

Planning ahead of your competition

Planning ahead of your competition

It is crucial for every online business to catch up with the reality of how connected, mobile consumers are engaging across channels. Nowadays brands are using display, mobile, social, and video marketing simultaneously to achieve up to 500% improvement in ROI from their marketing efforts.

Enhanced Customer Base with Lower Cost/Acquisition

Enhanced Customer Base with Lower Cost/Acquisition

According to CMO by Adobe, 52% of multi-channel marketers say they “usually” or “always” hit their financial targets. The finest combination of multiple channels for an optimized media plan will also deliver the greatest number of customers with the lowest cost per acquisition.

Attribute your Success with Analytics

Attribute your Success with Analytics

By tracking consumer’s engagement with your content, you’ll have a powerful database filled with information on how to better connect and target them in the future. The customer journey can be analyzed and segmented on a device basis, media preferences, interests, etc. With all this information at your fingertips it has never been easier to adjust and optimize media plans for greater success.

Target your Best Customers with Relevant Content

Target your Best Customers with Relevant Content

A data-driven strategy will empower your marketing campaigns not simply send text and display ads across a scattered audience, but rather place the appropriate content in front of the right people in the right places, and at the right time! Multi-channel campaigns provide a full view of your consumers’ digital playground, allowing you to drive the most relevant content to their favorite channels.

Build Long-term Customer Relationships

Build Long-term Customer Relationships

The better you understand your consumers and begin reaching them on their preferred platforms, the less likely they are to view your ads as intrusive or worse, annoying. The focus should be on seamlessly integrating cross-device strategies designed to deliver positive brand experiences and nurture lasting brand-consumer relationships.

What are the best channels for Multichannel Marketing

Here are the greatest marketing and sales channels every online store should leverage in order to reach full potential and maximum returns on their marketing plans.

Retail eCommerce Store

The first step to start up your multichannel initiatives is to launch an online store. Having a dedicated eCommerce site on a leading platform such as Magento, Shopify, or WooCommerce gives you complete control over your sales & marketing strategy as well as product catalog management.

Additionally, eliminating the middleman translates to increased profit margins!

Overall, running an eCommerce store allows you to take full control of every touchpoint of the buyer’s journey.

  • Ability to sell 24/7
  • Less overhead than a physical store
  • Complete access to customers and customer data
  • Full control over sales, marketing, and branding strategies
  • Competition with not just local sellers but all online stores selling the same/similar products
  • More difficult to establish credibility and generate sales
  • Potential for increased development costs
  • Costs of ongoing maintenance

B2B eCommerce Store

In the age of eCommerce, many retail businesses are turning to wholesaling via a B2B eCommerce platform as an additional revenue stream.

B2B eCommerce allows brands to further customize the experience for their wholesale buyers. Some of the key features of B2B eCommerce include the ability to manage buyer-specific prices and discounts and allow for simple ordering and secure online payments with one-click payment options.

Whether you currently cater to an audience of wholesale buyers or not, creating a B2B eCommerce site can enable you to forge an authentic connection with your clientele with relative ease.

  • Custom price lists and discount
  • B2B buying with the ease of B2C shopping
  • Longer-lasting customer relationships (CLTV)
  • Order volumes are not limited by your sales team’s capacity
  • Lengthier sales cycles
  • Increased number of stakeholders

Online Marketplaces

Online marketplaces are third-party platforms that allow vendors to promote their products and enable consumers to purchase them.

Selling through online marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Etsy is usually most lucrative for businesses that sell products with mass appeal. In these environments, competition tends to be high, so it’s important to adopt a smart multichannel pricing strategy that allows you to maintain a competitive advantage while keeping a healthy profit margin.

Overall, online marketplaces provide the potential for a significant increase in sales at a minimal risk especially for companies looking to make the leap from single to multichannel operations. There are various multi-channel/marketplace selling software available in the market which enables you to easily list and sell your products on multiple sales channels, control and sync inventory, manage and fulfill orders, and generate multichannel reports from your online store.

  • Ability to sell 24/7
  • Adds credibility to brand
  • Low cost of entering and operating
  • Access to a huge network of pre-created consumers
  • Access to additional services provided by marketplace company
  • A high degree of competition
  • Potential for lower profit margins
  • More difficult differentiate your product and brand

Social Media

Up until recently, social media was used strictly for marketing purposes.

By today’s standards, though, many social media platforms have become a viable sales channel, as well. Facebook Shops and Instagram Shopping allow businesses to sell their products directly to their social media followers who don’t even need to leave the app to make a purchase.

For companies that already have a large following on social media, the next logical step is to start using these platforms to generate increased sales.

  • Highly visual for maximum sales opportunities
  • Reach new and precise audiences thanks to targeting
  • Gives opportunity for direct interaction with a customer base
  • Optimization and maintenance of initiatives are time- and resource-consuming
  • May not be a viable option for certain industries or niches

Marketing Automation Plan

$48,000 – $96,000

Develop automated campaigns based on users actions taken on your ecommerce store, such as targeting potential customers, sending browse and cart abandonment nudges PLUS much more! Our email marketing automation services can help you create personalized user experiences throughout your entire customer journey.

Guideline and What's Included

Number of Newsletters Per Month

1 2 3 3+

Number of Flows Monitored, Managed and Reported on

3 5 10 10+

Number of New Flows Per Month

1 2 3 3+

Create Drip Campaigns Designed to Target Customers at Set Intervals

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Content Creation

  Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Define Unique Offers for Customers at Various Stages in the Buying Cycle

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

A/B Test Offers, Campaigns, and Offers

Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Target Customers Based on Unique Data Points

  Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Optimize Existing Customer Database to Generate More Sales

    Magento Enterprise Technical Support Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Segment Product Offerings and Promotions Based on Data Points

Magento Enterprise Technical Support

Service Hours/Month

20 40 60 60+

Costs Per Year (Invoice Monthly in Advance*)




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